Saturday, April 11, 2009

I want to win!

So I have never won anything that significant in my life and I REALLY want to win this contest. I started quite late, so I am trying not to get my hopes up, but you can help me!!! All you have to do is visit this website

and vote for #85. There's no registering or anything honestly takes 2 seconds to do. And you can go back everyday (until April 22nd) and re-vote again! So if you have 2 seconds (which I am sure you do if you are reading blogs...) then go and VOTE!! :) And pass it along...please! A link on your blog...anything really would help. THANKS!

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Ix voxtedx xfoxr yxou, xAnxna!x

(the x's are me trying to type while my fingers are crossed. Good luck!)