So I had one of those moments the other day. One of those moments where I have a small glimpse of what it means to be a mom. Justin and Joshua are both sick with a yucky cold. Both of them had sore throats when they woke up two days ago. There were a few hours in the afternoon where Joshua was just sad. Really sad. He was crying and couldn't go to sleep because every time he swallowed, it would hurt. I snuggled him and rocked him and pretty much cried as much as he did. As I cried and rocked him, I just wanted to take all the pain away! I am sure all mom's have felt that way before, but it was one of those defining moments for me. Realizing how much I really do love my little guy.
I only lasted 30 minutes or so before I called Justin (who was up at school). I was crying so hard I couldn't even say anything. I just heard him say, "do you need me to come home?" followed by *sniff, sniff* and then "ok, sweetie, I am coming home right now. I will see you in a few minutes." He came in record time and saved the day! What a hero.
Also a hero because he won 2nd place in his age division in our half marathon we ran a couple of weeks ago. WOW! St. George, watch out for Justin Fred White! (The other amazing person in the picture is Chris Radigan--also finished 2nd in his age group)
Emily and I also finished in record time. (Any time would have been record since it was my first, but we won't worry about that...)